ADEIP: Age-dependent expression and immune profiles platformADEIP provided the differences of gene expression and cell ratios among different ages and genders. ADEIP includes data on a much larger scale (16704 samples, 54592 genes, 30 tissues, 22 cell types, 34 types of immune function, 2 gender) than previous databases. http://geneyun.net/ADEIPcircRIP: an accurate tool for identifying circRNA–RBP interactionsWe provide an accurate and sensitive tool, circRIP, to systematically identify RBP and circRNA interactions from RIP-Seq and eCLIP data, which can significantly benefit the research community for the functional exploration of circRNAs. https://github.com/bioinfolabwhu/circRIPCSCD2: Integrated interactional database of cancer-specific circular RNAsAn updated database for investigating the potential function of cancer-specific circRNAs with significant larger number of samples and circRNAs, as well as new functions to better interpret the functions of circRNAs, including the interactions of circRNA-micoRNA and circRNA-RBP, full length of circRNAs and the translational ability of circRNAs. http://geneyun.net/CSCD2Detection of cancer-specific alternative splicing in circRNADetect and compare alternative splicing events in circRNA across different samples and conditions. More suitable for circRNA-Seq (total RNA and rRNA-depleted library, with RNase R digestion). http://geneyun.net/CircSpliceCancer-specific circRNA databaseDetect cancer-specific circRNAs in 19 cancers, predict the binding sites for microRNA, RNA binding protein, and open reading frame, and detect the alternative splicing of host genes. http://geneyun.net/CSCDTissue-specific circRNA databaseIdentify and characterize tissue-specific circRNAs for more than 16 tissues from human and mouse, predict the binding sites of microRNA and RNA binding protein. http://geneyun.net/TSCDVisualization m6A databaseIdentify and characterize cell lines-associated m6As and develop a visualization and comparable interface for regulation and function research of m6A. http://geneyun.net:8080/CVm6ANeonatal jaundice gene and drug databaseThrough artificial literature mining for neonatal jaundice, we construct a manually curated database for neonatal jaundice gene and drug, supporting for the neonatal jaundice research. http://geneyun.net/NJDBDatabase of acute myeloid leukemia-associated lncRNAsDetect and characterize lncRNAs in acute myeloid leukemia and classify lncRNAs according to the potential functions http://geneyun.net/lncAMLdbDatabase of heart development-associated lncRNAsIdentify and characterize differential expressed lncRNAs between adult and fetal heart http://geneyun.net/HeartA visualization and exploration tool for circRNAVisualize and compare circRNAs across samples and predict the binding sites of microRNA and RNA binding proteins, supporting for function research of circRNA http://geneyun.net/CircView